Oct 03, 2024  
2018-2019 Academic Catalog 
2018-2019 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Appendix VI: Racism and Acts of Intolerance - Policy Statement (2.1.5)

Racism and Acts of Intolerance - Policy Statement (2.1.5)

The community colleges have long been committed to providing educational opportunities to all who seek and can benefit from them, as evidenced in the mission statements and policies concerning student rights, affirmative action, and equal opportunity. The board and the colleges recognize that an important part of providing opportunity is creating a welcoming environment in which all people are able to work and study together, regardless of their differentness. At the same time, colleges and universities have traditionally been at the cutting edge of protection of our most cherished freedoms, most notably freedom of speech and non-violent action, which protect even unpopular or divisive ideas and perspectives.

Such constitutionally-protected expression can contribute to an unwelcoming and even offensive social and educational environment for some individuals in the college community, particularly when it concerns race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, disability, national origin, or ethnicity, and the first amendment does not preclude colleges from taking affirmative steps to sensitize the college community to the effects of creating such a negative environment. Therefore, the community colleges recognize that they have an obligation not only to punish proscribed actions, but also to provide programs which promote pluralism and diversity and encourage the college community to respect and appreciate the value and dignity of every person and his or her right to an atmosphere not only free of harassment, hostility, and violence but supportive of individual academic, personal, social, and professional growth.

Acts of racism or harassment directed against individuals or specific groups of individuals will not be tolerated and will be dealt with under the employee affirmative action grievance procedures and the student grievance and disciplinary procedures.

Each college will provide a comprehensive educational program designed to foster understanding of differentness and the value of cultural diversity. This will include plans to (1) promote pluralism, (2) educate the college community about appropriate and inappropriate behaviors to increase sensitivity and encourage acceptance, and (3) widely disseminate this policy statement to the entire college community.

(Adopted February 26, 1990)

People with Disabilities: Policy Statement (2.1.6)

People with Disabilities in the Community Colleges

The Board of Trustees of Community-Technical Colleges and all of the colleges under its jurisdiction are committed to the goal of achieving equal educational opportunity and full participation for people with disabilities in the community colleges. To that end, this statement of policy is put forth to reaffirm our commitment to ensure that no qualified person be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity on a community college campus or in the system office of the board of trustees.

The board recognizes that a physical or functional impairment is a disability only to the extent that it contributes to cutting the person off from some valued experience, activity, or role. Higher education is therefore especially important to people with disabilities, since it aims to increase every student’s access to valued experiences, activities, and roles. Improving access for students and employees means removing existing barriers that are physical, programmatic, and attitudinal; it also means taking care not to erect new barriers along the way.

The efforts of the community colleges to accommodate people with disabilities should be measured against the goals of full participation and integration. Services and programs best promote full participation and integration of people with disabilities when they complement and support, but do not duplicate, the regular services and programs of the college.

Achieving the goal of full participation and integration of people with disabilities requires cooperative efforts within and among higher education. The board of trustees will work with the board of governors to achieve a higher level of services and appropriate delivery methods at all Connecticut Community Colleges.

This statement is intended to reaffirm the board’s commitment to affirmative action and equal opportunity for all people and in no way to replace the equal opportunity policy statement.

(Adopted November 20, 1989)

Note: The Section 504/Title II Coordinator for students is Lynne Langella. Students who want to request accommodations or adjustments due to their disability should contact the Coordinator for Student Disabilities, Mrs. Lynne Langella at 203-332-5018. Her office is located in Room LH-B116 Lafayette Hall, 900 Lafayette Blvd. Bridgeport, Connecticut 06604. She may be contacted via email at Llangella@hcc.commnet.edu

Grievance Procedure for Students with Disabilities

If the conflict resolution process (as detailed in the Guide For Students With Disabilities) doesn’t resolve the conflict a student may submit a written grievance within 15 days to the Dean of Students stating the nature of the complaint, procedures already taken and remedy sought. These reports are confidential and will not be disclosed to unauthorized persons. The Dean will seek a resolution to the grievance by having a hearing with all the parties involved, including the Coordinator of Disabilities Support Services. If a resolution is not reached the student may appeal to the President of the college who shall make the final decision.

Notice re: Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act

The Connecticut Department of Public Safety (CDPS) publishes the names of persons who have been convicted of criminal sex offenses and who are required to register in Connecticut. The law requires us to inform you that sex offender registry information is available at CDPS offices throughout the State, at local police departments and at state police troops with jurisdiction over your region. It is also available online at http://www.state.ct.us/dps/Sex_Offender_Registry.htm.

Note that it is not the obligation of higher education institutions to request information concerning registered sex offenders from the State. However, we are required to let you know that law enforcement agency information concerning a person on the registry may be obtained by making a request of the CDPS for the criminal history record of such person. The name and date of birth of the individual are required for such search.

Note also that inclusion in the sex offender registry does not per se disqualify any person from employment or from being a student at an institution of higher education. Since persons included in the registry have been released into the community, by definition, they have repaid their debt to society. Also note that it is a criminal offense to use information in the sex offender registry to injure, harass or commit a criminal act against any person included in the registry.

If you have any questions or concerns about the information contained in this memorandum, please address them to the Dean of Students or to the Human Resource Director, as appropriate.