Jul 27, 2024  
2021-2022 Academic Catalog 
2021-2022 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

COVID-19 Mask & Social Distancing Guidelines

COVID-19 Mask & Social Distancing Guidelines
Effective for the 2020-2021 AY or until rescinded

The COVID-19 Mask & Social Distancing Guidelines are in effect to foster a safe learning environment during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Although the Connecticut State Colleges and Universities (CSCU) cannot guarantee a disease-free environment, it is important for everyone to understand that we are in this together and it is required that everyone do their part to protect the health and personal well-being of others within our communities.

Therefore, the following rules are in effect:

1. Masks and Face Coverings.

All students MUST follow the College/CDC/State guidelines. Students must wear masks or face coverings on campus, covering their mouth and nose to enter and while present in any indoor facility including academic, administrative, and food service areas.

All traditional in-person/on-ground classes will be off-limits to students who refuse to wear masks or face coverings. Students are permitted to remove their mask or face covering to eat and drink.

Students who do not want to wear a mask or face covering may only register for online classes.

If a student is not able to wear a mask or face covering due to a documented disability or medical reason, the student must seek an accommodation from Disability/Accessibility Office prior to arriving on campus.

2. Social Distancing Requirement.

Students must adhere to College/CDC social distancing guidelines at all times on campus, whether indoors or outdoors.

3. Vaccinations.

Beginning with the fall 2021 semester all students who are returning to campus for in-person classes and/or activities are required to be fully vaccinated against the COVID-19 coronavirus.

This requirement is still recommended, but not required, for students who are only taking online courses.

If you have not already done so, please be sure to become vaccinated as soon as possible.  There are multiple vaccine clinics being held on a regular basis both on-campus and in community health centers across the state. The vaccines that are currently authorized in the United States are proven safe, highly effective, and vaccination is critical to resuming normal operations at our campuses this fall.

The pandemic is not entirely over, and the threat of more infectious and severe variants continues to plague our communities. Vaccination does not guarantee immunity, but it does lessen the severity of infection and eliminate the life-threatening aspect of the coronaviruses. Becoming vaccinated is the best, and most responsible way to protect yourself, your families, and others with whom you come in contact.

For information locations for free vaccine providers, visit the Connecticut Vaccine Portal to find a FREE vaccine provider near you (ct.gov)

For details on the BOR requirement, please visit the CSCU website’s Vaccine Requirement FAQs (ct.edu)

You may request a medical or non-medical exemption to this requirement by following the instructions at the links below:

Non-medical exemptions:   https://cscu-gme-advocate.symplicity.com/surveys/index.php/pid265064?sid=exemption

Medical exemptions (require a doctor’s authorization): https://housatonic.edu/images/PDF/Medical_Exemption_form.pdf

Finally, as part of the new requirement all registered students will be asked to complete a self-attestation form prior to the start of the fall semester indicating one of the following:

a)You are fully vaccinated
b)You have applied for a medical exemption
c)You have applied for a non-medical exemption for consideration
d)You will be taking online classes only and will not be coming to the physical campus. 

4. Enforcement.

All faculty and staff share equal responsibility in enforcing these rules both in and out of the classroom. Should a student fail to comply and not wear a mask or face covering, or keep it on, after receiving a warning/directive to put it on (and they are not exempt due to receiving an accommodation from the institution), they will be referred to the Office of Student Conduct/Student Affairs for a disciplinary violation.


Students who fail to comply with the above rules are subject to immediate removal from the campus and the disciplinary procedures stated in the CSCU Student Code of Conduct.

Possible sanctions for disciplinary violations range from a warning to expulsion from the institution.