Sep 27, 2024  
2017-2018 Academic Catalog 
2017-2018 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions


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Philosophy (PHL)

  • PHL* E111 - Ethics (3 credits)

    Code(s): HUM
    Prerequisite(s): ENG* E101  
    An introduction to ethics or the science of morals and rules of human conduct, this course will explore the history of ethics as well as the application of ethical considerations today. The course will examine how ethical codes are produced and practiced, considering thinkers from Plato and Saint Augustine to modern thinkers such as Mary Wollstonecraft and Michel Foucault. Students will explore the relationships between use and pleasure, self and other, public and private. The course will also address applied ethics; students will choose a specific topic of choice around which to center their own study of ethics - ranging from animal rights, criminal justice, sexual ethics, ethics and art, environmental ethics, slavery, lying, charity, and more. Course Outline: PHL 111  

  • PHL* E151 - World Religions (3 credits)

    Code(s): HUM
    Prerequisite(s): Grade “C” or higher in ENG* E101  
    A general survey of the origins, beliefs, and contemporary practices of Hinduism, Islam, Taoism, Zen Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Confucianism. Attention is given to the interaction of specific religions and the cultures in which they are practiced. Course Outline: PHL 151  

Physics (PHY)

  • PHY* E121 - General Physics I (4 credits)

    Code(s): SCI, SCKX, SCRX
    Prerequisite(s): MAT* E137  with a grade of “C” or higher
    Begins with a review of essential arithmetic operations, dimensional analysis, and systems of measurements. Then basic concepts in mechanics, energy, rotation, properties of matter, and heat are developed. Specific topics covered include: motion, Newton’s three laws, vectors, uniformly accelerated motion, forces, motion due to gravity, work and energy, momentum, angular motion, rotation, mechanical properties of matter, and temperature and heat transfer. Course Outline: PHY 121  

    3 hours lecture and 3 hours laboratory.
  • PHY* E122 - General Physics II (4 credits)

    Code(s): SCI, SCKX, SCRX
    Prerequisite(s): MAT* E137  with a grade of “C” or higher
    Discussion of basic concepts in sound, wave motion, electricity, magnetism and light. Specific topics covered include: vibratory motion, wave motion, sound, electrostatics, circuit elements, direct-current circuits, magnetism, electromechanical devices, properties of light, reflection and refraction of light, lenses, mirrors, and other optical devices, interference and diffraction of light. Course Outline: PHY 122  

    3 hours lecture and 3 hours laboratory. Note: PHY*122 may be taken before PHY* E121  if a student has a strong background; permission of instructor is required.
  • PHY* E221 - Calculus-Based Physics I (4 credits)

    Code(s): SCI, SCKX, SCRX
    Prerequisite(s) or Corequisite(s): MAT* E254  
    Provides a solid foundation for engineering majors in physical quantities, vectors, equilibrium, motion, Newton’s Law, motion in a plane, work and energy, impulse and momentum, moments, and rotation. Course Outline: PHY 221  

    3 hours lecture and 3 hours laboratory.
  • PHY* E222 - Calculus-Based Physics II (4 credits)

    Code(s): SCI, SCRX
    Prerequisite(s) or Corequisite(s): MAT* E256  
    A solid foundation for engineering majors in periodic motion, hydrostatics, hydrodynamics, temperature, heat, Coulomb’s Law, electric field, Ohm’s Law, DC circuits, light, reflection, refraction, interference and the diffraction of light, lenses, and mirror. Course Outline: PHY 222  

    3 hours lecture and 3 hours laboratory.

Political Science (POL)

  • POL* E101 - Introduction to Political Science (3 credits)

    Code(s): SSCI
    Prerequisite(s) or Parallel(s): ENG* E101  
    This course is a study of political ideology and power in the modern world. This course presents a broad introduction to political theory, political philosophy and accompanying contemporary concepts. The history and development of basic political themes such as justice, law, equality, democracy and nationalism will be discussed in a comparative context. Course Outline: POL 101  

  • POL* E102 - Introduction to Comparative Politics (3 credits)

    Code(s): GKLY, SSCI
    Prerequisite(s) or Parallel(s): ENG* E101  
    A comparative survey of the structures and functions of the national governments of selected industrialized and third world nations. Topics to be discussed will include key institutions, political attitudes, patterns of interaction, and contemporary issues facing each nation. Course Outline: POL 102  

  • POL* E111 - Introduction to American Government (3 credits)

    Code(s): SOPX, SSCI
    Prerequisite(s) or Parallel(s): ENG* E101  
    This course is a study of the origins, development, structure and functions of American national government. Topics include the constitutional framework; federalism; the three branches of government, including the bureaucracy; civil rights and liberties; political participation and behavior; and policy formation. It also encompasses an overview of state and local governments, their relationship to the federal government and their role in the American political system. Course Outline: POL 111  

  • POL* E191 - Rules of Order: Parliamentary Procedure I (1 credit)

    Code(s): SSCI
    Prerequisite(s): Election or appointment to the Student Senate
    A study of the creation, organization and work of a political group using democratic principles. The strength and weaknesses of the democratic form of government will be studied. The foundation of the course is parliamentary procedures and Student Senate meetings will be the laboratory in which these skills will be practiced. Leadership and managerial roles will be studied and the opportunities for the practical application of these many roles will be furnished. As a study of human interrelationships in the democratic political environment, the course will provide the opportunity for the student to develop the skills necessary for effective participation in community organizations. Course Outline: POL 191  

  • POL* E194 - Rules of Order: Parliamentary Procedure IV (1 credit)

    Code(s): SSCI
    Prerequisite(s): POL* E193  
    A continuation of POL* E193 .

  • POL* E295 - Political Science Internship (6 credits)

    Code(s): SSCI
    Prerequisite(s): Permission of Instructor/Advisor Required
    An opportunity to work closely in a political setting, either with a local legislator or in an office in the legislature. Written permission of the instructor or advisor is required.

Psychology (PSY)

  • PSY* E111 - General Psychology I (3 credits)

    Code(s): BHEL, SOCX
    Prerequisite(s) or Parallel(s): ENG* E101  
    An introduction to the basic principles, findings and methods of study relating to human behavior. Topics include: History/research methodology, biological basis of behavior, sensation and perception, learning, memory, states of consciousness, and developmental psychology. The course is designed to provide a foundation for more advanced study in psychology and related fields. Course Outline: PSY 111  

  • PSY* E111S - General Psychology I in Spanish (3 credits)

    Code(s): BHEL, SOCX
    PSY* E111  Taught in Spanish

  • PSY* E112 - General Psychology II (3 credits)

    Code(s): BHEL
    Prerequisite(s): PSY* E111  
    An introduction to the basic principles, findings and methods of study relating to human behavior. Topics include: Motivation and emotion, cognition, language, stress, health and well-being, personality theory, social psychology, and cultures and diversity in psychology. The course is designed to provide a foundation for more advanced study in psychology and related fields. Course Outline: PSY 112  

  • PSY* E140 - Psychology of Addiction (3 credits)

    Code(s): BHEL
    Prerequisite(s): PSY* E111  or permission of the instructor
    Provides an expectation of the psychological issues associated with addictive behavior. Particular areas of concern include alcoholism, drug addiction, eating addictions, gambling disorder, relationship dependency and other addictive traits. Examines current research and treatment techniques. Course Outline: PSY 140  

  • PSY* E201 - Lifespan Development (3 credits)

    Code(s): BHEL
    Prerequisite(s): PSY* E111  
    This course provides a comprehensive overview of human development, including the biological, cognitive, emotional, and social changes associated with maturation from infancy to old age. This course also examines the important physiological processes, environmental influences, and socio-cultural forces that underlie and shape human development across the lifespan, including the roles of genetic inheritance, families, schools, work, and other societal institutions. Course Outline: PSY 201  

  • PSY* E202 - Child Psychology & Development (3 credits)

    Code(s): BHEL
    Prerequisite(s): PSY* E111  or permission of the instructor
    Presents a study of human development from conception to adolescence. Students are guided in the development of a scientific and objective attitude toward the interpretation of child behavior. They observe children and analyze their behavior in each of the following areas: motor, social, language, and emotional development. Other areas studied include methods of child study, the interacting influences of heredity and environment, the prenatal period, the neonate, physical growth, mental development, learning and personality. Course Outline: PSY 202  

  • PSY* E205 - Adolescent Development (3 credits)

    Code(s): BHEL
    Prerequisite(s): PSY* E111  
    An investigation of the scope of present knowledge, theory, methods and problems encountered in growth and development from adolescence through adulthood. Topics include biological, psychological and social factors, developmental stages, individuals in various social settings and institutions. Course Outline: PSY 205  

  • PSY* E208 - The Psychology of Adult Development & Aging (3 credits)

    Code(s): BHEL
    Prerequisite(s): PSY* E111  or permission of the instructor
    A study of present research covering the span of life from young adult through death. Information on theories of adult development, physiological changes, personality, social behavior, vocations and avocations, marriage and family life, aging and death will be examined. Course Outline: PSY 208  

  • PSY* E212 - Health Psychology (3 credits)

    Code(s): BHEL
    Prerequisite(s): PSY* E111  or PSY* E112  or permission of the instructor
    This course examines the relationship between psychological and emotional states and physical wellness. Students will learn a variety of theories about the relationship between acute and chronic illness and psychological health. Students will learn a variety of coping skills to promote sound psychological and physical wellbeing. Emphasis is placed upon those psychological factors which can prevent or reverse illness and sustain or recapture health. Course Outline: PSY 212  

  • PSY* E213 - Theories and Principles of Learning (3 credits)

    Code(s): BHEL
    Prerequisite(s): PSY* E111  
    This course examines basic learning and motivation processes that allow organisms to acquire new knowledge and adapt to their environments. These learning processes include classical and operant conditioning, observational learning, generalization and discrimination, and schedules of reinforcement. Students will also become acquainted with research methods used to study these processes. Course Outline: PSY 213  

  • PSY* E217 - Psychology of Criminal Behavior (3 credits)

    Code(s): BHEL
    Prerequisite(s): PSY* E111  or permission of the instructor
    An exploration of the psychological factors in delinquent behavior of individuals. Topics include biological factors, personality and crime, psychodynamic theories, frustration-aggression theory, psychopathic offenders and treatment concerns. Diversity issues addressed. Course Outline: PSY 217  

  • PSY* E240 - Social Psychology (3 credits)

    Code(s): BHEL
    Prerequisite(s): PSY* E111  or permission of the instructor
    An examination of personal and situational factors which affect individual behavior within a social context. Topics include “nature of self,” affiliation, aggression, group formation, and environmental psychology. Multicultural issues are explored. Course Outline: PSY 240  

  • PSY* E243 - Theories of Personality (3 credits)

    Code(s): BHEL
    Prerequisite(s): PSY* E111  or permission of the instructor
    An introduction to the structure, dynamics and development of personality. The focus is on psychoanalytic, ego-psychological, behavioristic, humanistic, cognitive-developmental, and Eastern perspectives. Course Outline: PSY 243  

  • PSY* E244 - Sports Psychology (3 credits)

    Code(s): BHEL
    Prerequisite(s): PSY* E111  
    A comprehensive study of the psychological concepts related to fitness and sports behavior. The course covers the history, evolution and foundations of this emerging field of study and practice. Topics include personal goal-setting, motivation, imaging, personality characteristics of athletes, competitive anxiety, psychology of coaching, team cohesion, and the effects of sports on spectators. This course will be helpful to those interested in organized sports activities. Course Outline: PSY 244  

  • PSY* E245 - Abnormal Psychology (3 credits)

    Code(s): BHEL
    Prerequisite(s): PSY* E111  or permission of the instructor
    Concepts of normality and abnormality, in terms of statistical frequency, cultural/social norms and deviance, degree of impairment or disordered behavior. Examination of various types of maladaptive disorders, their determinants or causative factors, and forms of treatment. Course Outline: PSY 245  

  • PSY* E247 - Industrial & Organizational Psychology (3 credits)

    Code(s): BHEL
    Prerequisite(s): PSY* E111  or permission of the instructor
    The application of psychological techniques as related to business and industry with emphasis on: selection and training, motivation and morale, worker efficiency, analysis and evaluation of job performance, accidents, safety, leadership, and supervision. Course Outline: PSY 247  

  • PSY* E249 - Abnormal Child Psychology (3 credits)

    Code(s): BHEL
    Prerequisite(s): PSY* E111  or permission of the instructor
    This course is designed to examine abnormal behavior from a development perspective. Within the framework of this course normative development will be examined and contrasted to the myriad of psychological disorders that arise beginning in childhood extending through adolescence. Classification systems for psychopathology will be reviewed and applied across cultural spectrums. Disorders that are present from infancy through adolescence such as mental retardation, autism, attachment disorders, ADHD, learning disorders, anxiety disorders, mood disorders, conduct disorders, schizophrenia, and eating disorders will be examined from a developmental/pathology perspective. Course Outline: PSY 249  

  • PSY* E290 - Forensic Psychology (3 credits)

    Code(s): BHEL
    Prerequisite(s): PSY* E111  and ENG* E102  or permission of instructor.
    Throughout the semester we will analyze and reflect in depth on such issues as Profiling, Eyewitness Testimony, Capital Punishment, Insanity Defense, False Confessions, Innocence, and Domestic Violence, and Sexual Offenders. In examining these issues we will explore multiple perspectives (specifically related to offenders), examine real life cases, and analyze multiple moral and ethical perspectives. Course Outline: PSY 290  

  • PSY* E298 - Special Topics in Psychology (3 credits)

    Code(s): BHEL
    Prerequisite(s): ENG* E101 , PSY* E111  
    An opportunity to study special topics, themes or problems in Psychology. Topics vary by semester and by the instructor’s area of expertise. Course Outline: PSY 298  

  • PSY* E299 - Independent Study in Psychology (1-3 credits)

    Code(s): BHEL
    Prerequisite(s): ENG* E101 , PSY* E111  and Permission of the Instructor
    Individual study of a special area, topic, theme or problem in Psychology by agreement with the instructor.

    All independent projects must be arranged in the semester prior to registration, with advance departmental approval and with the supervision of a full-time faculty member.  For more information, see Independent Study Courses .

Sciences (PSC, SCI)

  • PSC* E102 - Physical Sciences II (3 credits)

    Code(s): SCI, SCKX, SCRX
    Prerequisite(s): MAT* E137  or MAT* E104 , and ENG* E101  
    This course provides an introduction to the methods of science in the areas of chemistry, earth science, and astronomy. The student will learn fundamental principles governing chemistry including chemical elements, bonding, chemical reactions, and radioactivity. This course will also focus on the basic science principles of the Earth?s interior, plate tectonics, the driving forces of weather, the solar system, stars, and galaxies. The laboratory section of this course stresses the acquisition of skills in data gathering and manipulation in order to support conclusions. Course Outline: PSC 102  

    2 hours of laboratory per week.
  • SCI* E225 - Special Problems in the Natural Sciences (3 credits)

    Code(s): SCI
    Prerequisite(s): Permission of the instructor
    A research-oriented laboratory course under the personal supervision of a member of the science department faculty designed to give an advanced student exposure to problem solving in the natural sciences. Problems may be selected in biology, chemistry, earth sciences, medical and allied health sciences, or Math and Science. For most students, the course will serve as a first real exposure to how research is done in the natural sciences.

  • SCI* E285 - Forensic Science with Laboratory (4 credits)

    Prerequisite(s): CJS* E101  (CJ majors only), BIO* E105  or BIO* E121  and Eligible for ENG* E101  or ENG* E101W  
    An introduction to the principles of forensic science with an emphasis on logical and scientific thinking as it applies to biological and chemical physical evidence. The laboratory portion of this course develops knowledge and skills in laboratory safety, investigative techniques and the use of scientific methodologies including observation and measurement. Topics include: the analysis of DNA, fingerprints, hair and fiber, soil, bone; microscopy; chromatography; and toxicology. Students will develop proper techniques and procedures for maintaining crime scene integrity and evidence in the laboratory. Course Outline: SCI 285  

    3 hours lecture and 3 hours laboratory. This course is equivalent to BIO* E208  & CJS* E285 . Students can only receive credit for either BIO* E208 , SCI* E285, CJS* E285 . 4 credits.

Sign Language (SGN)

  • SGN* E101 - Sign Language I (3 credits)

    Code(s): HUM
    A first course of study of American Sign Language, the visual language used by the Deaf Community in the United States. This course covers the fundamentals of the basic structure of ASL grammar, vocabulary, finger spelling/numbers, visual-gestural communication, and information related to Deaf Culture. Special emphasis will be focused on ASL applications in education. Course Outline: SGN 101  

  • SGN* E102 - American Sign Language II (3 credits)

    Code(s): HUM
    Prerequisite(s): SGN* E101  
    A second course is the study of American Sign Language used by the Deaf Community in the United States. This course continues to cover the fundamentals of the basic structure of ASL grammar, vocabulary, fingerspelling/numbers, visual-gestural communication, and information related to Deaf Culture and History. Special emphasis will be focused on its application in education. Course Outline: SGN 102  

Sociology (SOC)

  • SOC* E101 - Principles of Sociology (3 credits)

    Code(s): BHEL, SOCX
    Prerequisite(s) or Parallel(s): ENG* E101  
    An introduction to the study of society, emphasizing the nature of social groups, institutions, interaction, and change in modern society. The course will cover culture, socialization of children and adults, sex and gender, race and ethnic relations, social stratification and inequality, and other topics such as education, health care, the family, crime, aging, politics and the state, religion, and work and the economy. Discussion and examples will focus primarily on the United States but with a strong global and multicultural component. Course Outline: SOC 101  

  • SOC* E101S - Principles of Sociology (Spanish) (3 credits)

    Code(s): BHEL, SOCX
    SOC* E101  Taught in Spanish

  • SOC* E201 - Contemporary Social Issues (3 credits)

    Code(s): BHEL
    Prerequisite(s): SOC* E101  or permission of the instructor
    The application of sociological principles and methods to selected problems of the United States society. The impact of a changing technology upon family, religious, educational, political, economic and community institutions is emphasized. The study includes an analysis of the developmental background of, and proposed solutions to, the problems selected for consideration. Course Outline: SOC 201  

  • SOC* E210 - Sociology of the Family (3 credits)

    Code(s): BHEL, SOCX
    Prerequisite(s): SOC* E101  or permission of the instructor
    A study of the family using sociological analysis to better understand this most basic of institutions and its interdependence with other social institutions. Emphasis upon family life cycle, gender roles, alternative life styles, and the impact of social change. Course Outline: SOC 210  

  • SOC* E212 - Sociology of Women (3 credits)

    Code(s): BHEL
    Prerequisite(s): ENG* E101  
    A survey of the status and contributions of women with special emphasis on new options and changing roles. An examination of the psychological and sociological process shaping the role of women and the effects of sex-role socialization. Instruction will be by lecture, films, guest lectures, class discussion, assigned readings and student presentation of projects or papers. Course Outline: SOC 212  

  • SOC* E213 - Human Sexuality (3 credits)

    Code(s): BHEL
    Prerequisite(s): SOC* E101   or PSY* E111  or permission of the instructor
    Biology, psychology and sociology are the disciplines upon which this course is based. It approaches human sexuality as a comprehensive and integrated policy topic by viewing sexual behavior in an evolutionary, historical, and cross-cultural perspective. Course Outline: SOC 213  

  • SOC* E214 - Sociology of Crime and Punishment (3 credits)

    Code(s): BHEL
    Prerequisite(s): SOC* E101  
    A close examination of how society’s norms and social values interact with the criminal justice system. Students will gain an understanding of the relationship between society and the police, courts and other criminal agencies. Issues pertaining to violent crime, punishment, inequality and discrimination will be discussed. This course will also focus on issues regarding “the war on crime,” society’s fear of crime and other relevant, current criminal issues. Course Outline: SOC 214  

  • SOC* E220 - Racial and Ethnic Diversity (3 credits)

    Code(s): BHEL, SSCI
    Prerequisite(s): SOC* E101  or permission of the instructor
    A study of racial and ethnic groups in the United States. The course will cover immigration, the history and culture of nations from which immigrants came, and theoretical perspectives and data regarding each group’s adaptation to and treatment by the dominant culture. Representative cultures from Africa, the Americas, Asia, and Europe will be studied. This course may be used for either history or sociology credit. Course Outline: SOC 220  

  • SOC* E222 - The African American Experience (3 credits)

    Code(s): BHEL, SSCI
    Prerequisite(s): SOC* E101  or permission of the instructor
    An examination of the historical, economic, social, political, and cultural experiences of Africans in America. The course emphasizes the diverse nature of those experiences and the different ways they have been interpreted. Course Outline: SOC 222  

    This course may be used for either History or Sociology credit.
  • SOC* E223 - The Puerto Rican Experience (3 credits)

    Code(s): BHEL, SSCI
    Prerequisite(s): SOC* E101  or permission of the instructor
    A survey of Puerto Rican society, both in Puerto Rico and in the United States. The course will explore the history, culture, values, traditions, relationships, politics, art, literature, and daily life of Puerto Ricans from Pre-Columbian times to the present. Course Outline: SOC 223  

  • SOC* E230 - The City (3 credits)

    Code(s): BHEL
    Prerequisite(s): SOC* E101  and POL* E111  or permission of the instructor
    A study of urbanization, its origin, rise, present importance and probable future development. Course Outline: SOC 230  

  • SOC* E251 - Sociology of Sport (3 credits)

    Code(s): BHEL
    Prerequisite(s): SOC* E101  or Instructor Permission
    Sociology of sport is an area of sociology that focuses on sport as a social phenomenon and on the social structures, patterns, and organizations or groups engaged in sport. The course critically examines common sense views about the role, function and meaning that sport has in society. For example, it is one way that people communicate their perception of their own identity and the groups they belong to in society. Often sport is used to maintain and communicate cultural identity, and as a catalyst for or reflection of social change. An in-depth consideration of popular issues in sport includes race, drugs and deviance, gender, competition and “success emphasis,” violence, fantasy and heroes, status acquisition, economy and politics. Issues are considered from the perspective of different sociological theories and history. Course Outline: SOC 251  

  • SOC* E261 - School and Community (3 credits)

    Code(s): BHEL, SSCI
    Prerequisite(s): ENG* E101  
    A guided field experience for students entering the fields of teaching, psychology, sociology, social welfare, child care, law enforcement, urban technology, health care services, and other areas of community development. Based on the individual student’s needs and career objectives, the course provides the opportunity for volunteer work in schools and community agencies under the guidance of college faculty and agency professionals. Most of the semester will be spent in the community placements. Students will keep a journal. The class will meet as a seminar only a few times to share experiences, resources, ideas, and to discuss the relevance of the readings to the community service. Course Outline: SOC 261  

  • SOC* E271 - Religion, Society, and the Individual (3 credits)

    Code(s): BHEL
    Prerequisite(s): SOC* E101  or permission of the instructor
    A survey of the insights of sociology, this course explores the role of religion in the social construction of meaning, values, and behavior patterns. Historical patterns as well as modern trends in religion are examined. The nature of religion and its effect upon the individual and society are examined by using examples drawn from a variety of religions from all over the world. Particular attention is paid to Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Course Outline: SOC 271  

  • SOC* E298 - Special Topics in Sociology (3 credits)

    Code(s): BHEL, SSCI
    Prerequisite(s): ENG* E102  or permission of the instructor
    Study of a special area, topic, theme or problem in Sociology. Topics will vary by semester and area of expertise of the instructor. Course Outline: SOC 298  

Surgical (SUR)

  • SUR* E109 - Microbiology for Surgical Technologists (2 credits)

    Prerequisite(s): ENG* E101 , BIO* E119 , both with C+ or higher
    Parallel(s): SUR* E110   and SUR* E111  
    This course will give a broad overview of general and clinical microbiology necessary for the surgical technologist.  It will emphasize the importance of sterile technique and infection control in the operating room while covering basic information such as bacterial staining, microscopy, how bacteria can be cultivated and identified in the laboratory, the most significant human pathogens and how the immune system responds to them.  Co-requisite to SUR* E110 and SUR* E111. Course Outline: SUR 109  

  • SUR* E110 - Operating Room Techniques (4 credits)

    Prerequisite(s): MAT* 100 higher, MED* E125 ,  BIO* E119 ; all with a C+ or higher
    Parallel(s): SUR* E109 , SUR* E111  
    This course is a theoretical introduction to the roles and responsibilities of the surgical technologist, the healthcare team, and the surgical environment. The course teaches basic principles of aseptic technique, fundamentals of surgical technology, and patient care concepts. This course incorporates surgical scrub, gowning, gloving, case preparation, patient care, and safety. This course prepares students for entry level into the surgical environment. Co-requisites SUR* E109, SUR* E111. Course Outline: SUR 110  

  • SUR* E111 - Operating Room Skills Seminar (4 credits)

    Prerequisite(s): MAT* 100 or higher, MED* E125 ,  BIO* E119 ; all with a C+ or higher
    Parallel(s): SUR* E109 SUR* E110  
    The seminar provides the students with the opportunity to practice with supervision, the skills, techniques, standards, and principles that are taught in SUR*E110, Operating Room Techniques. This course prepares students for the clinical experience by teaching them the care and handling of surgical supplies, instruments, suture materials, and surgical drapes using hands-on skills, simulation, and mock surgery for laparotomy and laparoscopic procedures.  This seminar is not only an introduction to the operating room environment but includes a 5 week clinical rotation. 

    After passing the seminar skills competencies, students will have a clinical rotation as a member of the surgical team under direct supervision. The rotation gives the student the opportunity to build on didactic and clinical skills learned in the seminar. It focuses on minimally complex and specialty surgical procedures that take place in a clinical facility. This clinical rotation is 19.5 hours per week over the last 5 weeks of SUR* E111. Corequisite to SUR* E109 SUR* E110 . Course Outline: SUR 111  

  • SUR* E211 - Clinical Experience I (6 credits)

    Prerequisite(s): MAT* 100 or higher, MED* E125 , BIO* E119 , SUR* E109 , SUR* E110 , & SUR* E111 ; all with a C+ or higher
    Parallel(s): SUR* E213  & SUR* E215  
    This experience gives the students the opportunity to build on didactic and clinical skills learned in the classroom as a member of the surgical team under direct supervision. It focuses on minimally to moderately complex and specialty surgical procedures that take place in a clinical facility. This course is 19.5 hours per week over 15 weeks in the fall and is a co-requisite to SUR* E213 & SUR* E215. Course Outline: SUR 211  

  • SUR* E212 - Clinical Experience II (6 credits)

    Prerequisite(s): MAT* 100 or higher, MED* E125 , BIO* E119  , SUR* E109 , SUR* E110 , SUR* E111 , SUR* E211 , SUR* E213 , SUR* E215 ; all with a C+ or higher 
    Parallel(s): SUR* E214  & SUR* E250  
    This experience gives the students the opportunity to build on didactic and clinical skills learned in the classroom as a member of the surgical team under direct supervision. It focuses on moderately complex to complex and specialty surgical procedures that takes place in a clinical facility. This course is 19.5 hours per week over 15 weeks in the spring and is a co-requisite to SUR*E214 & SUR*E250. Course Outline: SUR 212  

  • SUR* E213 - Surgical Procedures I (3 credits)

    Prerequisite(s): MAT* 100 or higher, MED* E125 , BIO* E119 , SUR* E109 SUR* E110  & SUR* E111 ;  all with a C+ or higher 
    Parallel(s): SUR* E211  & SUR* E215  
    This course includes a review of relevant anatomy and pathophysiology, diagnostic procedures, and surgical interventions for surgical procedures in the following areas: general surgery, obstetrical/gynecological surgery, urological surgery, minor orthopedic surgery, ear, nose, and throat surgery, oral, maxillary, facial surgeries, reconstructive plastic surgery, and burn surgery. Laproscopic, robotic, pediatric, simulation, and endoscopic procedures are integrated into this course. Co-requisite SUR* E211 and SUR* E215. Course Outline: SUR 213  

  • SUR* E214 - Surgical Procedures II (3 credits)

    Prerequisite(s): MAT* 100 or higher, MED* E125 , BIO* E119 , SUR* E109 , SUR* E110 SUR* E111  , SUR* E211 , SUR* E213  & SUR* E215; all with a C+ or higher 
    Parallel(s): SUR* E212  & SUR*E250
    This course includes a review of relevant anatomy and pathophysiology, diagnostic procedures, and surgical interventions for surgical procedures in the following areas: major orthopedic surgery, neurological surgery, ophthalmology surgery, peripheral vascular surgery, thoracic surgery, cardiac surgery, emergency trauma surgery, all hazard preparation, and donor/procurement surgery. Laparoscopic, navigation, robotic, pediatric, simulation, and endoscopic procedures are integrated into this course.  Co-requisite to SUR*E212 and SUR*E250. Course Outline: SUR 214  

  • SUR* E215 - Surgical Technology Pharmacology (3 credits)

    Prerequisite(s): MAT* 100 or higher, MED* E125 , BIO* E119 , SUR* E109 , SUR* E110  & SUR* E111 ; all with a C+ or higher
    Parallel(s): SUR* E211  & SUR* E213  
    This course provides the students for the safe care and handling of medications and solutions used during surgery.  Students are provided with an introduction to pharmacology, principles of anesthesia, administration and medication that are commonly used in the surgical environment. Co-requisite SUR* E211 and SUR* E213. Course Outline: SUR 215  

  • SUR* E250 - Advanced Seminar for the Surgical Technologist (3 credits)

    Prerequisite(s): MAT* 100 or higher, MED* E125 , BIO* E119 , SUR* E109 , SUR* E110 , SUR* E111 , SUR* E211  , SUR* E213 , SUR* E215 ; all with a C+ or higher
    Parallel(s): SUR* E212  & SUR* E214  
    This course includes effective career seeking skills, interviewing techniques, resume preparation, role of the circulating surgical technologist, professional membership, and certification. Advanced skills such as vital sign monitoring, urinary catheterization, and surgical skin preparation are also introduced. A review of legal, ethical, and risk management is included. This course reviews the objectives of the National Certification Examination for Surgical Technologist. The purpose is to prepare students to pass the Certification of Surgical Technologists that is often required for employment as a surgical technologist. Co-requisite to SUR* E212 and SUR* E214. Course Outline: SUR 250  

Theater Arts (THR)

  • THR* E101 - Introduction to Theater (3 credits)

    Code(s): AESX, FINA
    A study of basic theories and elements of theater arts, including the dramatic construction of scripts, performance techniques and the administration of theater management. Students will learn what makes theater work, from the page to the stage and out to the audience. Course Outline: THR 101  

    Students will be required to attend live theater performances to fulfill writing assignments.
  • THR* E102 - Theater History (Fall only) (3 credits)

    Code(s): AESX, FINA, HISX
    Prerequisite(s): Placement into ENG* E101  or a “C” or better in both ENG* E043  and ENG* E073  
    A concise study of the history of theater from the Greek and Roman theater to the present. Each era of history will be examined through formal study, plays, skits, slides, and video. Course Outline: THR 102  

    Students will be required to attend live theater performances to fulfill writing assignments.
  • THR* E110 - Acting I (Fall only) (3 credits)

    Code(s): AESX, CRTY, FINA
    A practical approach to the art of acting with emphasis on the fundamental tools of the actor including development of the imagination, creative interpretation, characterization, script analysis, improvisation, voice and movement. The course combines individual and group exercises and assignments. Course Outline: THR 110  

    Students will be required to attend live theater performances to fulfill writing assignments.
  • THR* E112 - Voice and Diction (Fall only) (3 credits)

    Code(s): AESX, FINA
    A study of basic theories and exercises to teach the fundamentals of voice and diction for the theater. Emphasis will be on relaxation and preparation, proper breathing techniques, correct vowel formation, knowledge of different resonators, power of projection, word association, and linking one’s voice to character development. Course Outline: THR 112  

    Students will be required to attend live theater performances to fulfill writing assignments.
  • THR* E115 - Improvisation (Fall Only) (3 credits)

    Code(s): AESX, FINA
    An intensive course that will build an understanding of the technique and application of improvisational practice. Students will learn through physical and vocal exercises, theatre games and improvised scene work in order to promote concentration, and to free the actor?s creative imagination. Students will develop their ability to interact and react, working moment-to-moment to create characters and scenes. This work will give the actor a heightened awareness and confidence in improvised work, as well as in scripted performances for theater. Course Outline: THR 115  

  • THR* E120 - Stagecraft (Spring Only) (3 credits)

    Code(s): AESX, FINA
    A survey of the various components of stagecraft and production techniques. Students will learn about the basic requirements for effective theatrical productions and gain an overview of the skills required in set design, lighting design, sound design and costume design. Lectures will be combined with studio activities. Course Outline: THR 120  

  • THR* E190 - Theater Arts Practicum I (Spring Only) (3 credits)

    Code(s): AESX
    This course involves students fulfilling major responsibilities for the production of a play. Areas such as acting, the design and development of sets, props, costuming, make-up, lighting, sound, and theater administration and management will be explored through the process of rehearsing and producing a play for performance. Course Outline: THR 190  

    This course meets 6 hours each week.
  • THR* E210 - Acting II (Spring only) (3 credits)

    Code(s): AESX, FINA
    Prerequisite(s): THR* E110  or permission of the instructor
    A continuation of THR* 110 intensifying the development of the fundamental tools of the actor. Students will gain knowledge of advanced techniques of script analysis and character development. Course Outline: THR 210  

    Students will be required to attend live theater performances to fulfill writing assignments.
  • THR* E225 - Directing (Spring only) (3 credits)

    Code(s): AESX, FINA
    A study of the basic methods and techniques of directing plays, with special emphasis on script analysis, imaginative concept development, and methods of rehearsing and working with actors. Students will be required to direct short scenes. Course Outline: THR 225  

  • THR* E290 - Theater Arts Practicum II (3 credits)

    Code(s): AESX
    Prerequisite(s): THR* E190  
    This course provides a continuation of the activities as described in THR* E190 with an emphasis on further development of theater arts skills. Course Outline: THR 290  

    This course meets 6 hours each week.

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