Associate in Arts Degree
Campus contacts for this program:
Professor Jamilet Ortiz,
With this degree you will be able to transfer to the following majors:
At Central Connecticut State University: |
At Eastern Connecticut State University: |
At Southern Connecticut State University: |
At Western Connecticut State University: |
In order to graduate and be guaranteed admission to a State University or to Charter Oak State College, you must earn an overall 2.0 grade point average.
Here is the recommended course of study for the French Studies Transfer Degree. If you are studying part time, simply follow the order of the courses listed here. Note that not all courses will be available every semester. You will notice that in many instances you will be able to choose the specific course you will take from within a category. For a list of the courses from each category that you can choose from, go to PDF_CSCU Transfer Electives .
This program has pending curriculum changes for the 2018-2019 catalog. Students entering HCC in the Fall 2018 semester will enroll in the 2018-2019 program
First Semester:
ENG 101 Composition (3 credits)
FRE 101 Elementary French I (3 credits)
SOCX Choose one Social Phenomena I (3 credits)
AESX Choose one Aesthetic Dimensions course (3 credits)
Unrestricted Elective* (3 credits)
Second Semester:
FRE 102 Elementary French II (3 credits)
WRIX Choose one Written Communication II course (3 credits)
SCRX Choose one Scientific Reasoning course (3-4 credits)
QUAX Choose one Quantitative Reasoning course (3-4 credits)
Unrestricted Elective* (3 credits)
Third Semester:
FRE 201 Intermediate French I (3 credits)
SCKX Choose one Scientific Knowledge and Understanding course (3-4 credits)
SOPX Choose one Social Phenomena II course (3 credits)
GEND Choose one Additional General Education I - Creativity course (3 credits)
One Unrestricted Elective* (3 credits)
Fourth Semester:
FRE 202 Intermediate French II (3 credits)
ORAX Choose one Oral Communication course (3 credits)
HISX Choose one Historical Knowledge and Understanding course (3 credits)
GENL Choose one Additional General Education II - Global Knowledge course (3 credits)
One Unrestricted Elective* (3 credits)
*You are free to choose any courses at or above 100-level to complete unrestricted electives, although you may need to use some these credits) to take a math course that prepares you for the required level of math in your program. If you begin French at a higher level than FRE 101, you will receive additional unrestricted electives. You should also consider using unrestricted electives to begin work on completing a minor.
Central Connecticut State University will require that you complete a minor by earning at least 18 credits) in one area outside your major field; you must complete at least 9 of those minor credits) at Central. You can also complete other General Education requirements for Central, Southern and Western Connecticut State Universities and Charter Oak State College-but not Eastern Connecticut State University. Your advisor will help you to determine which courses to select.