Jul 27, 2024  
2022-2023 Academic Catalog 
2022-2023 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

College Policies


Bylaws of the Connecticut Board of Regents of Higher Education

Article I: Section 1 - Authority of the Board of Regents

The Board of Regents for Higher Education serves as the governing body for the regional community-technical college system, … , the Board of Regents is also authorized to act, as necessary, as the Board of Trustees for the Community-Technical Colleges, … . The specific powers and duties of the Board are prescribed in Title 10a of the Connecticut General Statutes and are further delineated in policies adopted by the Board from time to time.

Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities and Conduct (PDF) 

Appendix: Confidentiality of Student Records/Directory Information  

Appendix: Event Planning and Campus Speaker Policy for Students  

Appendix: Housatonic Community College Copyright Policy for Students  

Board of Regents Policies

Policies of the CT Board of Regents can be found here https://www.ct.edu/hr/policies#bor

Policies Include:

  • Academic Affairs
  • Student Affairs
  • Finance, Facilities and Administration
  • Human Resources
  • General Board Policy
  • System Organization and Governance

Community College Policies

Policies for the CT Community Colleges can be found here https://www.ct.edu/hr/policies#ccc

Policies Include:

  • Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Procedures
  • College Closings, Delayed Openings, Early Release
  • Financial Aid Code of Conduct
  • IT Policies, Standards & Procedures
  • Sexual Harassment Policy
  • Violence Prevention and Response Policy
  • Connecticut State College and Universities (CSCU) Procurement Manual
  • Violence in the Workplace