Feb 15, 2025  
2022-2023 Academic Catalog 
2022-2023 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Transfer Programs

Transfer from Housatonic to Other Colleges

Housatonic Community College Articulation & Transfer Agreements

Transfer agreements have been completed with a variety of four-year baccalaureate institutions for transfer students who have completed associate degrees at Housatonic Community College. Most of these agreements provide that these graduates in specified programs will be admitted with full junior class status if they have achieved a specified grade point average. Additional information regarding these agreements is available in the Academic Dean’s office, Student Services, and the Academic Advising Center. 

Transfer Course Agreements

  • Charter Oak State College
  • Central Connecticut State University Course Equivalency
  • Eastern Connecticut State University Course Equivalency
  • Fairfield University Course Equivalency
  • Southern Connecticut State University Course Equivalency
  • Western Connecticut State University Course Equivalency
  • University of Connecticut Course Equivalency
  • University of St. Joseph Course Equivalency

Connecticut State Colleges and Universities (CSCU’s) - Transfer Ticket Programs

  • Students who enroll in a Transfer Ticket program, and complete the associate degree program at a Connecticut Community College, can transfer to Connecticut State Universities (including Charter Oak State College) with guaranteed junior status without hassle, losing credits or taking additional credits.
  • Begin the transfer application process in your third semester or the semester before you plan to graduate.
  • Visit http://www.ct.edu/transfer for more information. HCC’s CSCU Transfer Coordinator is Matt Dunne, MDunne@housatonic.edu.
  • Questions? Contact HCC’s Advising and Student Support Center at (203) 332-5097.    

UCONN Guaranteed Admissions Program (GAP) https://admissions.uconn.edu/apply/transfer/gap

  • The Guaranteed Admission Program is an agreement between the University of Connecticut and Connecticut Community Colleges. It is designed for students who are enrolled in a Liberal Arts transfer program at one of the Connecticut community colleges and plan to earn a bachelor’s degree in the college of Liberal Arts and Sciences, School of Business and/or the college of Agriculture, Health, and Natural Resources at the University of Connecticut.
  • Academic Programs include: Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources: 12 majors including Allied Health, Environmental Science, Nutrition; College of Liberal Arts & Sciences: 50 majors including American Studies, Biological Sciences, Communications, Economics, History, Human Development & Family Studies, Maritime Studies, Mathematics, Psychology, Statistics, Women’s Studies as well as Bachelor of Business Administration, Accounting,  Finance, Marketing, and Management and Engineering for Manufacturing.
  • For a listing of additional program options visit https://admissions.uconn.edu/apply/transfer/gap

To qualify for admission:

  • You must be enrolled in a Liberal Arts and Science (LAS) associate degree program
  • You must complete the GAP Initial Application and submit to UCONN before completing 30 completed transferable credits (no exceptions). HCC GAP Advisor Chrystie Cruz will need to verify your application information.
  • You must have a 3.0 GPA or higher
  • You must plan to graduate from HCC
  • The semester before you graduate, you must complete and submit a the Final GAP application: Intent to Enroll Application, to UCONN. You need to submit all UCONN’s admission and transfer requirements to UCONN’s Admission Office. 
  • Applications are available by contacting Chrystie Cruz or HCC-transferoutcommittee@hcc.commnet.edu.


Program Outcomes

Upon successful completion of all program requirements, the graduate will: 

  • Demonstrate competence in written and oral communication 
  • Demonstrate scientific and qualitative reasoning skills 
  • Be able to apply appropriate mathematical and scientific principles to problem solving 
  • Have completed the 2-year course of study as outlined in the Housatonic Community College catalog 
  • Be eligible for transfer to the UCONN School of Engineering or CCSU School of Technology, depending upon the chosen pathway 
  • Follow a curriculum containing at least the minimum general education requirements with a core of college of technology requirements. 

Transfer and Articulation Policy (Adopted by the Board of Regents March 2012)

Connecticut families deserve a system of public higher education whose primary purpose is to produce graduates who form an engaged and well-informed citizenry, as well as a robust and appropriately educated workforce. To achieve this purpose, we must demonstrate that we provide a quality education. At the same time, we must create a clearly marked pathway from admission to graduation for all students by clarifying and streamlining the degree-program structures and transfer processes in our state colleges and universities to help students complete their post-secondary certifications and degrees as efficiently as possible. The ultimate goal of this reform is that all graduating students be prepared as productive world citizens. For more information visit the CT BOR website at http://www.ct.edu/initiatives/tap.

Guaranteed Admissions Agreement between the CT Community Colleges and the CSU System

Graduates of an associate degree program within Connecticut’s community colleges with a GPA of 2.0 or higher are guaranteed admission to the university of their choice within the Connecticut State University System.

There is no guarantee that all course credits earned at a Connecticut community college will be accepted for transfer to a university within the Connecticut State University System. However, all Guaranteed Admission students are guaranteed junior status and guaranteed that a minimum of 60 transfer credits will be applied toward a baccalaureate degree at the university. Graduates of a community college who meet the requirements for guaranteed admissions must still make application by the date and on the forms prescribed by each university within the CSU System, including the submission of all the required transcripts, documents, and fees.

For more information on this agreement and the procedures, contact the Advising and Student Support Center at 203-332-5097.

Pathway to Teaching Careers - Southern Connecticut State University (SCSU)

The Pathway to Teaching is designed for the Liberal Arts and Sciences student who intends to become a certified secondary Biology, Chemistry, English, Foreign Language, Mathematics or Physics teacher in Connecticut. The Pathway prepares students to apply to the School of Education at SCSU and transfer seamlessly.

For more information on this agreement please contact Professor Elizabeth Steeves, 203-332-5157 or esteeves@hcc.commnet.edu.