Total Credits: 60-61
1 You are free to choose any courses at or above 100-level to complete unrestricted electives, although you may need to use these credits to take courses that prepare you for required courses in the degree program. You should also consider using unrestricted electives to meet foreign language requirements for your program. You can also complete other General Education requirements for CCSU, SCSU, WCSU and COSC- but not more than two requirements for ECSU. You are encouraged to meet with your advisor to determine which courses to select.
2 At least one course in Scientific Knowledge & Understanding or Scientific Reasoning must be a 4-credit laboratory course.
3 Courses in this category will fulfill an additional general education requirement in all of the CSCU baccalaureate programs referenced above. Speak with your advisor about other possible choices.
4 Choose any COM course. All electives should be based on student’s career objectives. It is recommended that selection of electives be discussed with the program advisors.
NOTE: In order to graduate and be guaranteed admission to a State University or to Charter Oak State College, you must earn an overall 2.0 grade point average.