Jul 23, 2024  
2016-2017 Academic Catalog 
2016-2017 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Support & Student Services

Title IX

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 is a federal law that protects all students attending or accessing services at an educational institution that receives federal funding. It allows all students to attend school in an environment free of harassment and gender based violence. Violations of your rights in under Title IX would be sexual assault, sexual harassment, sex discrimination or gender discrimination. Here at Housatonic Community College we take our responsibility to address and protect these rights very seriously. If you would like to report a Title IX violation or if you would like more information please do not hesitate to contact our Title IX Coordinator, Marilyn Albrecht, Lafayette Hall - A202, 203-332-8521, malbrecht@hcc.commnet.edu

Policy Against Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination which is illegal under state and federal law and is also prohibited by the Connecticut Board of Regents for Higher Education Non-Discrimination Policy.

In accordance with the Board policy sexual harassment may be described as:

Any unwelcome sexual advance or request for sexual favors, or any conduct of a sexual nature when (1) submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment or education, (2) submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as a basis for employment or academic decisions affecting the individual, or (3) such conduct has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with an individual’s academic or work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive employment or educational environment.

For the complete description of conduct which may constitute sexual harassment see the Connecticut Board of Regents Sexual Misconduct, Sexual Assault, and Intimate Partner Violence Policy and the Connecticut Board of Regents Student Code of Conduct in Appendix I .

Should you find yourself in a situation which you suspect may be a type of sexual harassment, you are urged to speak with the Dean of Students, the Director of Student Development and Services, or the Director of Human Resources/Affirmative Action Officer. Any of these individuals will advise you of appropriate channels available to you and will respect the confidentiality of the situation.

Policy Regarding Reporting Suspected Abuse or Neglect of a Child

The BOR acknowledges the special care required for those students under 18 years of age on its campuses and strives to protect them from any form of abuse or neglect.

According to state law, with the exception of student employees, any paid administrator, faculty, or staff, who in the course of their employment has reasonable cause to suspect or believe that a person under the age of 18 years has been abused or neglected, has been placed in imminent harm or has had a non-accidental injury is required to report to the Department of Children and Families within 12 hours of becoming aware of or suspecting abuse, neglect or imminent harm to a child.

The BOR further requires report of any witnessed or suspected child abuse or neglect on a CSCU campus to their immediate supervisor in addition to DCF. The supervisor must report the incident to his or her director or vice president who must then inform the campus President and the System Office Vice President for Human Resources.

If the incident is determined to be credible, the Chief Human Resources Officer will assign an objective person to investigate the report.

For the complete policy on Reporting Child Abuse see Appendix XX .

Violence in the Workplace Prevention

The Connecticut Board of Regents for Higher Education has adopted a zero tolerance for violence in the workplace policy. “Violence” is defined as an overt act or threat of harm to any person or property, or any act that poses a substantial threat to the safety of any person or property.

For the complete policy see Appendix VII .

Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence knows no gender, class, religion, education, or economic standing. Housatonic is a community, and domestic violence needs to be addressed by the community. Knowledge and understanding are important and effective tools that faculty, students and staff can call upon to help a victim stay safe.

The following staff members are Safety Network Liaisons and are trained in domestic violence facilitation:

Mickey Reed
Coordinator, OTA Program
203-332-5214, Room LH-C226

Kristen Lund
Director, Early Childhood Lab School
203-332-5030, Room LH-B137a

In addition, resource material is available for viewing or loan in the Women’s Center, room BH-371 in Beacon Hall.

AIDS and Other Communicable Diseases

The Connecticut Board of Regents for Higher Education reaffirms its commitment to provide a safe and healthy educational environment, safeguard the rights of individuals, and comply with state and federal anti-discrimination laws and regulations. Students and employees with AIDS, HIV infection, and other communicable diseases must be accorded the same rights and assume the same responsibilities as all other members of the community college community.

For the complete policy see Appendix V .

Expectations for Student Use of Computers in Courses

Any Housatonic Community College course may require substantial computer based learning including use of the Internet, e-text books, instructional software, Blackboard*, research data bases, online assignments, etc., for the completion of class assignments, homework, research and assessments.

Computer-based learning experiences may be used in place of or in addition to traditional lectures for some lessons. All students have access to computer laboratories in both Beacon Hall and Lafayette Hall. Computer access is also available in the college library.

Students can learn how to use Blackboard by visiting the Housatonic web site (www.housatonic.edu/webct/DL). Additionally, students can make appointments for training by contacting our Distance Learning staff at 203-332-5206 or by emailing ho-DistLearning@hcc.commnet.edu.

Academic Support Center

The mission of the Academic Support Center (ASC) is to provide a full service testing and tutoring experience that cultivates student success.

The ASC is comprised of a dynamic, dedicated educators who strive to enhance the learning experience and academic and professional achievement of HCC students through comprehensive services which include:

  • Testing Center - Provides placement, computer literacy, make-up, CLEP and DSST testing.
  • Tutoring Center - Provides one-on-one, drop-in, group, and online tutoring in most subject areas.
  • Writing Across the Curriculum Center (WACC) - Provides one-on-one writing tutoring to students in all subject areas.

By fostering a supportive environment, the ASC strives to inspire students at every level of preparedness to advance, to excel, and to reach their fullest potential.

The Academic Support Center is located in rooms LH-B116, LH-B118, and LH-B120.

Tutoring Center We Help You Help Yourself!

  • One-on-one tutoring: Make an appointment and work with master or peer tutors. Most of the courses listed in each semester’s schedule are covered by tutoring.
  • Online Tutoring: HCC students have free accounts and can log on and work with a tutor in real time or asynchronously. Log on to www.etutoring.org
  • Drop-In Math: No appointment necessary and stay as long as you would like! Get the help you need in any level of math from excellent math tutors all day, every day.
  • Mega Chem: No appointment necessary and stay as long as you would like! Get the help you need in chemistry.
  • Group Tutoring: Meet with your classmates and your professor at the ASC for a special supplemental tutoring session.
  • Computers: Eight state-of-the-art computers are available for student use. Type and print your paper, insert your course CD, or log in to the internet for research purposes.

Testing Services

The following testing services are administered by the Testing Coordinator:

  • Placement Testing (see additional information in the Admissions  section of the catalog).
  • Computer Literacy Exam-all students enrolling in a degree program at HCC are required to demonstrate basic computer literacy skills in order to graduate (see “Degrees & Certificates ” section of the catalog for more information on the Computer Literacy Requirement). Students who do not have a Code “C” course built into their degree program can elect to take the Computer Literacy Exam to meet the requirement. To schedule an appointment to take the test, call 203- 332-5217.
  • CLEP and DSST testing is scheduled regularly throughout the year. Stop by Room LH-B119 or call 203-332-5217 for more information or to schedule an appointment.
  • Make-up Testing-in extreme circumstances, instructors may allow students to complete a make-up exam. Make-up exams are scheduled through the Testing Coordinator in LH-B119.

The Writing Across the Curriculum Center

Writing is a skill that can be improved through practice. The Writing Across the Curriculum Center is a place where students of all writing abilities can receive help to improve their skills. Students can make appointments or drop in for help with writing from faculty and tutors who work in the Center. In addition to individual tutoring sessions, group tutoring sessions and workshops are held on aspects of writing at various skill levels.

Center for Academic Progress (CAP)

The Center for Academic Progress (CAP) is designed to identify and support students who seek to better prepare themselves for college coursework. All new HCC students are required to take an Accuplacer Preparation Workshop at CAP before taking the Accuplacer placement test. Upon completion of the workshop, students are advised by CAP staff. Those seeking further practice before taking a placement test may choose from several review and practice options. After placement testing, CAP offers intensive refresher programs on an ongoing basis for students who need more skill preparation in math and/or English. The CAP Labs are located in Lafayette Hall, rooms LH-A227 and LH-A209.

Academic and Counseling Center

The Counseling Center is dedicated to encouraging and assisting all students to achieve their maximum academic, career and personal development. The college provides a number of services that are geared to helping students meet this objective. The Counseling Center is available to discuss issues with students and help them achieve success at Housatonic.

Counseling services can be used as follows:

  • Academic advising helps you select courses to ensure that your Housatonic certificate and associate degree program requirements are satisfied. Counselors work closely with program advisors to make this process as easy as possible.
  • If you want to change your academic program, you can work with counselors to make sure that your progress toward your career goals is uninterrupted. This is a very important aspect of your education and, by giving careful attention to the process, you can save time and effort.
  • If you want to transfer to a four-year institution, Counseling Center counselors can make the transition easier by guiding you through the steps of the process. You can be assisted in checking admission and program requirements and transfer credit information.
  • If you experience an academic problem, come to the Counseling Center and discuss your options with a counselor. Counselors can help with academic advising regarding grades, probation/suspension, graduation requirements and ways to improve your study skills.
  • Personal counseling is available. Sometimes you want to just sit down and talk about personal or non-academic concerns. We recognize that many students are trying to balance work, school, and family responsibilities as well as personal needs. We understand that overwhelming pressures can build. We offer you a friendly ear in a confidential setting. Referrals to outside agencies are made when necessary.

Academic Advising

Successful students are those who plan. Planning requires that students are clear on the requirements of their specific degree, what their short and long-term goals are, and aware of the on-campus resources available to help sort this out.

Each semester new students meet with an academic advisor in the Academic Advisement Center. An advisor discusses with new students their placement test results, which classes to register for in their first semester, the requirements of their chosen major, instructions on how to use the college catalog including specific terminologies, how to build a schedule from the college website, how to complete the registration form, the assignment of a faculty advisor, how to contact a faculty advisor, and when to prepare for the next registration period.

Continuing students are encouraged to see their faculty advisors early in the registration period. For the winter and spring semesters, early advisement/registration begins in November. For the summer and fall semesters, early advisement and registration begins in April. Continuing students are encouraged to contact their faculty advisor, set an appointment and meet with their faculty advisor prior to registration. Faculty advisors are not available during the summer months or during holiday intersession. Summer months include June, July, and August. Holiday intersession includes spring break and winter intersession. Continuing students who have not seen their faculty advisor early in the advisement/registration period will need to seek advising in one of two locations in Lafayette Hall, LH-A108.

Two full-time academic advisors are available to all students on a walk-in basis. Four full-time counselors are available to all students by appointment. During peak advisement periods, one month prior to the start of each semester, students are welcome in the Advising and Counseling Center on a walk-in basis when faculty advisors are not available.

Students seeking information on transferability of coursework and articulation agreements with the four state universities and private colleges in the state of Connecticut can utilize the services of the Transfer Counselor in the Counseling Center (LH-A108).

The Advising and Counseling Center and faculty advisors are available for all students to help them succeed in their academic work.

Disability Support Services

The program for students with disabilities may provide adjustments, academic tutoring, and technology to assist students with all varieties of disabilities. The program is designed to assist students in developing their talents to the fullest by providing assistive services which may include evaluation of individual learning styles, counseling and course advising, alternative administration of examinations, tutoring, audio-visual and computer learning equipment and group support. The DSS’s professional staff assists students in developing ways to cope with their disabilities and achieve academic success without altering the nature of the college courses.

  • Students with disabilities are encouraged to meet with the Disability Support Services Coordinator, located in LH-B116, to view documentation and determine adjustments.
  • Also located in LH-B116 is the Adaptive Technology Center that contains computers with software such as JAWS, WYNN and a closed circuit TV.

Other Student Services

Computer Support For Students

Computer labs are available for all registered students. The labs are open during the spring and fall semesters, summer semester and winter intercession when classes are in session. When classes are not in session the labs may be open on an abbreviated basis.

Computer lab hours are posted each semester at the lab* and are available on the HCC website at www.housatonic.edu.

* Lab hours may vary and are subject to change depending on academic activity and school closings.

The labs are equipped with state-of-the-art computers and laser printers. A variety of software is installed to assist students taking computer science, office technology, and general study courses. Internet access only for academic purposes is available and may be limited to one hour at a time. The computer lab equipment may not be used for personal or commercial purposes. The Board of Regents Acceptable Use Policy governs the use of State owned computers and peripheral equipment as well as the State provided infrastructure and internet connectivity.

A copy of the Computer Lab Operating Guide is available for students. Failure to follow the rules included in this Guide may result in a loss of computer privileges.

AppleTM Computers

The college provides a number of AppleTM computers to support students registered in specified courses within the art and design programs.

Library and Laptop Computers

The Library has a small number of laptop computers that are loaned to students during Library hours for in-Library use.

Blackboard e-Learning Platform

Students can learn how to use Blackboard by visiting the Housatonic web site (www.housatonic.edu/webct/DL). Additionally, students can make appointments for training by contacting our Distance Learning staff at 203-332-5206 or by emailing ho-DistLearning@hcc.commnet.edu.

English as a Second Language

Housatonic Community College offers a six-semester sequence of English as a Second Language courses designed to accommodate the needs of nonnative speakers of English at basic, intermediate, and advanced levels of proficiency. Placement in each level is based upon the results of an ESL interview and reading and writing evaluation.

The six-hour courses are intensive and stress the development of listening and reading comprehension, speaking and writing skills to help students gain confidence and proficiency in the use of English to succeed in academic and career programs. Students entering the lowest level, ESL* E010 - Combined Skills I (6 credits) , should have some experience speaking and writing English before enrolling at the college. Students must demonstrate mastery of skills before progressing to the next level. After successful completion of the ESL sequence, students progress to ENG* E094  or ENG* E101 .

Language Labs

A totally digital multimedia learning lab system is available for students taking courses in a wide variety of languages including English as a Second Language. Two Language Lab classrooms are available in Beacon Hall. These rooms are equipped to provide both classroom and laboratory practice space for students.

Independent Study

Outstanding students may choose to study a particular topic or set of topics independent of regularly scheduled classes under the supervision of a full-time faculty member. The faculty member determines if the student is qualified to undertake the project and provides guidance to the student.

The project must be of an advanced nature and cannot duplicate an existing Housatonic course.

To register for an Independent Study course: before the beginning of the semester in which the Independent Study course is to be taken, a written study outline or contract must be submitted by the student and approved in writing by the faculty member supervising the project, the department head and the Academic Dean. Full tuition and fees are charged for Independent Study courses.


The Housatonic Library provides resources and services in support of the academic programs of the college. To the extent possible, it also serves personal and non-curricular intellectual needs of the faculty, staff and students. Students come to the Library to find information, do research, study in a pleasant atmosphere, and, sometimes, just to relax and read the newspaper or browse the New Books collection. The staff is helpful, friendly and knowledgeable. Librarians are available to assist patrons during all hours of Library operation. The Library maintains a web site at www.housatonic.edu/Library.

The Library maintains an open stack book collection of over 50,000 print volumes and an electronic book collection of 29,000 volumes. Books, with the exception of those in the Reference and Reserve sections, may be checked out. The Library maintains a substantial multi-media collection of film, CDs and audiobooks, most of which may be checked out. Media that cannot be checked out may be viewed and/or listened to by patrons in the Library. The collection offers both feature films and educational titles. Educational titles relate to all areas of the curriculum. The Library also provides access to Films on Demand, a video streaming service of 20,000 titles. The Library offers a print periodical collection of approximately 101 current titles. Periodicals are for use in the Library only.

Electronic information resources offered by the Library include many online databases providing full-text access to journal and newspaper articles and other reference sources. The databases cover the major curricular areas including literature, history, health, business, the social sciences, current news, and general information. The ReQuest database allows the patron to search the holdings of more than 441 Connecticut libraries. The Library has computers, laptops, and collaborative computers for student use.

The Library’s extensive collection of books and other media can be searched in the HCC Online Catalog by using keyword, subject, author, or title. Students, faculty, and staff may use the interlibrary loan service to borrow books and articles from libraries worldwide.

Students may go to myCommNet (my.commnet.edu) for remote access to the catalog and to most of the online databases as well as to other library-related information.

Presidents Archive at Housatonic Community College

Associated with the Library is The Presidents Archive. The Archive is a collection of historically significant materials that are relevant to the college and contribute to the understanding and evolution of the institution.

The Archive holds materials pertaining to HCC significant events, including the site, buildings/grounds, accomplishments of personnel, development in the purpose/direction of the college (and the system), the Housatonic Museum of Art yearly exhibitions, college catalogs, course schedules, literary magazines, college newsletters, committees, clubs and other relevant material. Items from the Archive may be copied and are available for research.

The Archive collection is catalogued in the Library cataloging system. Queries and other information from 203-332-5226.

Evening Division Office

The Evening Division office is open daily as well as every night and on weekends when classes are in session. The Evening Division is not open on weekends during the break between the fall and spring semesters or during the summer. Located in Beacon Hall, Room BH-116, the Evening Division office provides information and support services for faculty and students. To contact the Evening Division Office by telephone, call 203- 332-5208.

Summer Sessions

Three summer sessions are designed to serve students in a variety of ways. Summer courses are available for: new students attending Housatonic in the fall, current Housatonic students who wish to accelerate their academic program, students from other colleges, and individuals seeking specific knowledge. Generally, summer session classes meet either four days each week for five weeks, or twice each week for eight weeks. Classes are scheduled both day and evening.

Winter Session

Winter session classes include accelerated course work and are held between the end of the fall semester in December and the January start of the spring semester. Courses are open to continuing Housatonic students, new students, and students from other colleges. Generally, classes are held Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. Laboratory time for science courses immediately follows the lecture class. Students can earn 3 or 4 credits a course. Waivers of tuition are not honored for winter session courses.

More information is available by calling the Registrar’s Office, 203-332- 5088 or at the HCC website.

Online Access to College Services and Information

myCommNet Portal

Via the Internet on- or off-campus, myCommNet (http://my.commnet.edu) will be the source of information and services for students, faculty and staff of the Connecticut Community Colleges. myCommNet makes it easier to conduct college business, communicate with others in your classes, and participate in online class opportunities. It’s where you can register for classes, check your academic progress, interact with classmates, and manage your college finances, all with a single sign-on. You only have to remember one user ID and one password to reach all of your college’s online services.

In addition to activities for existing students, myCommNet also provides links to submit an application for admission and to search for courses offered by semester.

myCommNet Alert

Emergency Notification System

myCommNet Alert is a notification system that delivers critical information to students, faculty and staff of the Connecticut Community Colleges in the event of an emergency. The system delivers emergency messages through text messaging over cellular phones. Emergencies may include campus-related immediate health or safety situations and may also include weather-related class cancellation.

Enrollment in myCommNet Alert is free and voluntary. If you do not enroll in the system, you will not receive emergency alert messages through this system. Enrollment is strongly recommended. Please note that text message costs will follow your calling plan’s terms for receiving and opening text messages. Enrollment is easy and takes only a few minutes.

myCommNet Alert is powered through MIR3, a worldwide provider of emergency notification systems. The contact information you provide will only be used for this system. Contact information will not be shared for any commercial purposes. myCommNet Alert will only be used for emergency notifications, testing and maintenance of the system. Tests are expected to be conducted once a year. You will not receive spam through the myCommNet Alert system.

See the Housatonic web site for instructions for enrolling into myCommNet Alert.

Student Email Accounts

All Connecticut Community College students will receive an official email address (username@mail.ct.edu) to which all college-based communications will be sent. Students are provided with a Microsoft Office 365 account that includes:

  • 25GB message storage capacity for each user
  • Access to calendar entries and contacts, as well as e-mail from mobile devices
  • Full-service web interface for accessing e-mail as well as compatibility with the industry-standard desktop e-mail program Microsoft Outlook
  • The ability to search e-mail for details and save favorite searches for reuse. Share calendars with other Office 365 users and view multiple calendars side by side.
  • Built-in anti-spam message filtering

Information and instructions for accessing these accounts can be found on the HCC website at www.housatonic.edu/365


Housatonic Community College awards the Associate in Arts (AA) and Associate in Science (AS) degrees and certificates to qualified candidates as authorized by the General Assembly of the State of Connecticut.

Graduation Is Not Automatic:

It is recommended that students request a degree evaluation from their advisor when they complete 30 credits, or print one out themselves at any time from myCommNet. Students seeking a certificate should print their evaluation at the end of the first semester.

Catalog Selection:

Students are evaluated according to the curriculum printed in the catalog when they first enrolled except:

  • If you are not enrolled for 2 or more years you are a re-admit student and are evaluated under the re-admission catalog semester.
  • If you change your degree program you are evaluated on the semester that your program was changed.

Graduation Process:

Graduation Application Forms are online or available at the Registrar’s Office (LH-B109). They must be completed and handed in to the Registrar’s Office to be placed on the potential graduate list. This should be completed at least by mid-term before the student plans to graduate. Students will be notified by the Registrar’s Office with the results of their degree evaluation. There is no fee for graduation.

Candidates for graduation in May, August, or December are encouraged to attend the commencement ceremony in May.

Transfer Credits:

Students who wish to have credits from another institution transferred to Housatonic should visit the Admissions Office in room LH-A106 and arrange for an evaluation of transfer credits.

Graduation Requirements:

  • Official enrollment in a certificate or degree program.
  • Completion of a minimum number of semester hours for the certificate or degree program with an Academic Average of 2.00 GPA or above.
  • Most degree programs require a minimum of fifteen 200-level credits. Consult individual program requirements.
  • At least 25% of the graduation credit requirements must be granted by Housatonic Community College.
  • Satisfactory completion of all courses required in the student’s program.
  • Fulfillment of all financial obligations to the college.

Graduation Honors:

Beginning with Fall 2016

Students with exemplary academic performance shall be recognized at graduation with the following designations, in Latin:

  • Summa Cum Laude for students with a 3.9 - 4.0 grade point average
  • Magna Cum Laude for students with a 3.7 - 3.89 grade point average
  • Cum Laude with a 3.4 - 3.69 grade point average

All graduation honors are recorded on the student’s academic transcript.

Students with an Incomplete may become eligible retroactively for graduation honors upon completion of the course requirements, and recognition shall appear on the transcript, provided that the student has earned the required grade point average.

Commencement Policy

Students who have completed all requirements and plan to graduate with a Degree or Certificate must submit a graduation application to the Registrar’s Office.

Application deadlines for potential Graduates:

  • May Graduates: April 11
  • August Graduates: August 15
  • December Graduates: December 12

NOTE: If you are a potential August graduate who will be completing degree or certificate requirements at the end of the summer semester and would like to participate in the May Commencement ceremony, the deadline to apply is April 11.

In order to participate in the May commencement ceremony August graduates must have no more than 2 courses remaining, which do not exceed 8 credits left to finish over the subsequent summer or fall semester.

If you have applied for May graduation and are expected to complete your program in May but do not pass 2 courses or fewer, you will still be invited to the Commencement ceremony provided you register for the course(s) you need in the subsequent summer or fall semester.

You can attend the ceremony but your actual degree or certificate conferral will occur when you successfully complete all courses needed for your program.

Earning Multiple Degrees:

Students may earn a second degree in a different curriculum at Housatonic Community College. This will require that a student complete all program requirements of the second degree with 25% of the credits earned in the new curriculum as new credit hours at the college through which the second degree is to be conferred. A student may earn two degrees simultaneously at HCC by fulfilling all requirements as stated above.

A student wishing to earn a certificate and degree in the same program must complete the requirements of the certificate program and apply for graduation prior to earning the degree.

Requests for additional degrees beyond the second require prior approval from the Academic Dean.

Completing HCC Degree Requirements at Other Colleges

Students enrolled in a degree program who wish to complete Housatonic Community College degree requirements at other colleges or universities should request approval prior to undertaking such work. This procedure is referred to as “reverse transfer.” In the case of course credits taken at other Connecticut Community Colleges with equivalent common course numbers, this approval may be received through the registrar’s office with the approval of the department chairperson. When the course work is from another higher education institution the courses should be preapproved, when possible, through the Office of the Academic Dean. The Academic Dean will provide approval based on the recommendation of the Department Chairperson for the program.

Career Services, Internships and Experiential Learning

The office of Career Services is located in Beacon Hall, room #272, and advises students about choosing their major, obtaining internships while at HCC, and post graduate employment. Workshops are offered and individual help is available for resume writing and interview techniques. Call 203-332-5983 for more information.

Transfer from Housatonic to Other Colleges

Housatonic Community College Articulation & Transfer Agreements

Transfer agreements have been completed with a variety of four-year baccalaureate institutions for transfer students who have completed associate degrees at Housatonic Community College. Most of these agreements provide that these graduates in specified programs will be admitted with full junior class status if they have achieved a specified grade point average. Additional information regarding these agreements is available in the Academic Dean’s office.

Agreements have been completed with the following four-year institutions:

  • University of Connecticut (Stamford, Waterbury, Storrs) Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources: 13 majors including Allied Health, Environmental Science, Nutrition; College of Liberal Arts & Sciences: 50 majors including American Studies, Biological Sciences, Communications, Economics, History, Human Development & Family Studies, Maritime Studies, Mathematics, Psychology, Statistics, Women’s Studies as well as Bachelor of General Studies, General, Business Administration, Accounting, Business Law
  • Albertus Magnus College
    General, Human Services, Business Management
  • Central Connecticut State University
  • Eastern Connecticut State University
  • Southern Connecticut State University
  • Western Connecticut State University
  • Fairfield University
    Engineering, Liberal Arts and Sciences, College of Arts & Sciences, School of Business, School of Nursing, School of Continuing Education
  • Lesley University
    Fine Arts, Graphic Design
  • Marymount College
    Graduates in all Associate Degree Programs
  • Monserrat College of Art
    Fine Arts
  • New York University
    Art, Music, Communication, Education, Nutrition, Public Health, Speech-Language Pathology, Applied Psychology, Social Work, School of Continuing and Professional Studies
  • Post University
    Criminal Justice
  • Quinnipiac University
    Accounting, Business Management, Marketing and Advertising, Entrepreneurship, Finance, International Business, Computer Information Systems, Communications, Journalism, Public Relations, Film, Video and Interactive Media, Sciences, Humanities, Theater, Game Design and Development, Computer Science, Social Services, Psychology, Sociology, Criminal Justice, Legal Studies, Mathematics, Biomedical Sciences, Health and Science Studies.
  • Sacred Heart University
    General, Business Administration, Business Management, Accounting, Finance, Criminal Justice
  • Savannah College of Art and Design
    Graphic Design
  • University of Bridgeport
    General, Dental Hygiene, Human Services, Business, Computer Science/Engineering, Math, Accounting, Biology, Computer Applications & Information Systems, Marketing, Management, Journalism, Banking, Fine Arts, and Graphic Design
  • University of New Haven
    Criminal Justice, Accounting, as well as a “Core-to-Core Transfer Agreement”
  • University of St. Joseph
    School of Continuing Education
  • Wheelock College
    Early Childhood Education
Transfer Course Agreements
  • Charter Oak State College
  • Eastern Connecticut State University
  • Fairfield University
  • Quinnipiac University
  • University of Connecticut
  • University of Connecticut
    Stamford/Waterbury/Hartford (with core courses also available in Torrington/School of Business) Business Data Analytics
  • University of St. Joseph

UCONN Guaranteed Admissions Program (GAP)

  • The Guaranteed Admission Program is an agreement between the University of Connecticut and Connecticut Community Colleges. It is designed for students who are enrolled in a Liberal Arts transfer program at one of the Connecticut community colleges and plan to earn a bachelor’s degree in the college of Liberal Arts and Sciences and/or the college of Agriculture, Health, and Natural Resources at the University of Connecticut.

To qualify for admission:

  • Complete and submit an application for the GAP program before completing 30 transferable credits;
  • Complete your associates degree in the appropriate LAS program;
  • Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0

For more information on this agreement and the procedures, contact the Counseling Office at 203-332-5097.

UCONN Business Administration

Students are able to complete the Business Administration major at University of Connecticut campuses in Stamford, Waterbury, Hartford, and Storrs.

To qualify for admission:

  • Complete and submit an application for the UCONN Business Administration GAP program before completing 30 transferable credits;
  • Complete your associates degree in the appropriate LAS program;
  • Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.3;
  • Complete program pre-requisites in English Composition, Economics, Accounting, Finite Math and Calculus, and Statistics with grades of B or better;
  • Meet the second language requirement
    * All students must have passed the third level in a single foreign language in high school; OR, completed two years (four semesters) through the college Intermediate Level.

For more information on this agreement and the procedures, contact the Counseling Office at 203-332-5097.

The Connecticut College of Technology

The Engineering Science Pathway program allows community college students to follow a specific course of study leading to an associate degree, preparing for the ultimate goal of earning a bachelor’s degree in Engineering at the University of Connecticut. See the UCONN web site for details of the Program.

Transfer and Articulation Policy (Adopted by the Board of Regents March 2012)

Connecticut families deserve a system of public higher education whose primary purpose is to produce graduates who form an engaged and well-informed citizenry, as well as a robust and appropriately educated workforce. To achieve this purpose, we must demonstrate that we provide a quality education. At the same time, we must create a clearly marked pathway from admission to graduation for all students by clarifying and streamlining the degree-program structures and transfer processes in our state colleges and universities to help students complete their post-secondary certifications and degrees as efficiently as possible. The ultimate goal of this reform is that all graduating students be prepared as productive world citizens. For more information visit the CT BOR website at http://www.ct.edu/initiatives/tap.

Guaranteed Admissions Agreement between the CT Community Colleges and the CSU System

Graduates of an associate degree program within Connecticut’s community colleges with a GPA of 2.0 or higher are guaranteed admission to the university of their choice within the Connecticut State University System.

There is no guarantee that all course credits earned at a Connecticut community college will be accepted for transfer to a university within the Connecticut State University System. However, all Guaranteed Admission students are guaranteed junior status and guaranteed that a minimum of 60 transfer credits will be applied toward a baccalaureate degree at the university. Graduates of a community college who meet the requirements for guaranteed admissions must still make application by the date and on the forms prescribed by each university within the CSU System, including the submission of all the required transcripts, documents, and fees.

For more information on this agreement and the procedures, contact the Counseling Office at 203-332-5097.

Connecticut State Universities (Southern, Western, Central and Eastern) - Dual Admission Program - The Compact *

The Compact Agreement is a dual admission program between the Connecticut State Universities and the Connecticut Community Colleges. It is intended for students who identify early their choice of state university along with selection of a major, or program of study for their baccalaureate degree.

  • Students must apply to the Compact Dual Admission Program before completing 15 transferable credits;
  • Complete your associates degree in the appropriate program;
  • Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0. Specific programs may have additional admission requirements.

For more information on this agreement and the procedures, contact the Counseling Office at 203-332-5097.

Pathway to Teaching Careers - Southern Connecticut State University (SCSU)

The Pathway to Teaching is designed for the Liberal Arts and Sciences student who intends to become a certified secondary Biology, Chemistry, English, Foreign Language, Mathematics or Physics teacher in Connecticut. The Pathway prepares students to apply to the School of Education at SCSU and transfer seamlessly.

For more information on this agreement please contact Professor Elizabeth Steeves, 203-332-5157 or esteeves@hcc.commnet.edu.

Scholarships for Graduating Students

The Counseling Center and the Housatonic Community College Foundation (HCC Foundation) have scholarship information available for current Housatonic students and for graduates. These scholarships are offered by area businesses and organizations, the Foundation and other colleges and universities. These include scholarships based on outstanding academic achievement and/or financial need. The nature of the scholarships available each year may vary and the scholarships may have additional requirements. Some are available for study at Housatonic Community College and others are available to students graduating and transferring to 4-year colleges and universities.

If you are interested in learning more about available scholarship opportunities, you should contact the Counseling Center (LH-A108) or the Foundation Office (LH-B127).


For each Housatonic graduating class, awards or prizes are given to students for outstanding academic achievement in specific subject areas and for community and/or college involvement. These awards are given to students who are chosen by faculty members only and are not awarded through the Foundation office. The following awards are usually presented but are subject to change:

The Beverly G. Anderson Memorial Award** - Established in memory of HCC and Harding High School counselor and presented to an outstanding graduate who graduated from a Bridgeport high school.

The Lillian Andersen Award** - Presented to an outstanding student who has furthered the goals of the Art Program outside of regular assignments.

BlumShapiro Accounting Scholarship Award** - Presented to an outstanding student in the Business Administration: Accounting Department who will be continuing their degree in accounting at a four-year institution.

Greater Bridgeport Chapter of the Connecticut Society of CPAs Accounting Prize - Presented by this local professional group to an outstanding accounting student continuing his or her education.

Burt Chernow Endowed Scholarship Fund ** - Established in memory of the founder of the Housatonic Museum of Art, Coordinator of the HCC Art Program, and Professor of Art and presented to a graduate continuing his or her education in art or art education at a four-year institution.

Connecticut Post Award - Presented by Post Publishing Company and the Connecticut Post to outstanding journalism students.

Salvatore Curiale Scholarship Fund** - Established in memory of the Director of Admissions at Housatonic and presented to a student continuing his or her education in nursing.

Ralph Fabrizio Scholarship Fund ** - Established in memory of HCC Psychology Professor and awarded to an outstanding student in the behavioral sciences.

Academic Dean’s Prize** - The prize is awarded to graduate students who have achieved the highest academic average at HCC.

George Endowed Scholarship Fund** - Established in honor of HCC Business Professor and presented to a graduating student in the Computer Science Associate Degree program who demonstrates academic achievement.

Joyce Gerber Early Childhood Education Endowed Scholarship Fund** - Established in honor of HCC Professor and Director of the HCC Early Childhood Lab School and presented to a student graduating with a degree in Early Childhood Education and with the highest grade point average among graduates of the Early Childhood Education Program, who plans to transfer to a four-year college.

Maureen Maloney Scholarship Fund** - Established in honor of HCC Psychology Professor and awarded to a graduating student or students who are pursuing an education in the field of psychology or medicine at a four-year institution in Connecticut.

Jane Mahoney Memorial Award** - Established in memory of HCC English Professor and presented to a student who began his or her studies in developmental English classes.

Marshall Rachleff Scholarship Award** - Established in memory of HCC History Professor and presented to an outstanding student in history, government, economics, or labor studies.

David Susskind Memorial Scholarship Award** - Established in memory of TV personality and public affairs commentator David Susskind and awarded to an outstanding student in the social sciences who intends to pursue a bachelor’s degree in political science, history, or public administration.

Swain Prize** - Established in honor of a HCC English Professor and awarded to the outstanding student in English.

The Peter Ulisse Literature Award - Established by HCC English Professor and Chair Emeritus of the Humanities Department and awarded to a graduating student who has demonstrated a passion for, and excellence specifically in, the field of literature.

Dale Ward Scholarship Fund - Established by the Student Senate in honor of a Housatonic History Professor and Senate advisor and presented to the graduates with the highest cumulative averages planning on continuing their education.

Dale Ward Endowed Scholarship Fund** - The scholarship is awarded to the highest-ranking students planning to continue their education. This scholarship complements the HCC Senate Scholarship named in honor of former History Professor Dale Ward.

The Etherington Scholars Program - This scholarship program is named for Wesleyan’s former president Edwin Etherington. It is for top graduates of Connecticut’s Community Colleges to attend Wesleyan in preparation for a productive future in Connecticut. All applicants are considered for the Etherington Scholarship on the basis of financial need.

Resources for Students


Located on campus at the Broad Street entrance to Beacon Hall. For information and hours see the Bookstore’s web site at www.hctc.bkstr.com or through a link on the HCC home page.


There are two cafeterias on campus located on the first floor of the C wing of Lafayette Hall and on the first floor of Beacon Hall. The cafeterias are open during Fall and Spring semesters when classes are in session (hours vary).

Campus Safety

Central offices are located in LH-A105 off the main lobby of Lafayette Hall and BH-110 off the main lobby of Beacon Hall.

Housatonic Museum of Art

The Housatonic Museum of Art is located throughout the college. The Burt Chernow Galleries off the main lobby of Lafayette Hall in LH-A112 offer changing exhibitions. Visit the Museum’s website at www.housatonicmuseum.org.

Men’s Center

Located in Beacon Hall, BH-325 the Men’s Center is an informal drop-in center open to all. The Center also functions as an educational resource with books, journals, magazines, and offers a variety of programs and workshops on men’s issues. The center offers a variety of programs and is open during posted hours.

Student Life

The Student Life Office is located on the 3rd floor of Beacon Hall BH-317 in the Student Activities area along with Student Clubs and the Student Senate offices.

Wellness Center

The Wellness Center, located in Room BH-117 of Beacon Hall, is open during posted hours. Enrolled students with a valid HCC Photo ID must complete an application and watch an instructional DVD to use the Center’s fitness equipment and services. For information, contact the Student Life Office at 203-332-5094.

Women’s Center

The Housatonic Women’s Center, located in Beacon Hall BH-371, is an informal drop-in center open to all women, and the Center also welcomes men. It was created as a “safe haven” where students, faculty, and staff might go for advice and advocacy. The Center also functions as an educational resource with books, journals, magazines, and videos, and offers a variety of programs and workshops on women’s issues. For more information contact the Women’s Center at 203-332-5268.

Early Childhood Laboratory School

The nationally accredited Housatonic Early Childhood Laboratory School has a two-fold purpose: a high quality, pre-school program for the young children of students, faculty, staff, and the community; and a laboratory setting and resource for HCC’s Early Childhood Inclusive Education Program and other disciplines in the college. It is located in Lafayette Hall in LH-B137near the Broad Street entrance.

To enroll, children must be three years of age by December 31 of the calendar year in which they enter the School. The School is open Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., 50 weeks a year.

As a laboratory setting, the Early Childhood Inclusive Education faculty assigns HCC students a variety of activities and observations that need to be completed at the Laboratory School. The director, teachers, and teacher assistants evaluate these activities and/or answer any questions that the college students may ask. Students from related fields also use the Laboratory School as a resource for fieldwork and papers. Applications for children are available in the Early Childhood Laboratory School, the Business Office and the Admissions Office. Limited Housatonic Community College Foundation Scholarships are available for the children of students. Children are accepted into the Program on a first come first served basis. The Program serves children with disabilities and from diverse racial, ethnic, economic and ability backgrounds. For further information, call the director of the Early Childhood Laboratory School at 203-332-5030.